How It Works?

Start building your website in minutes.


Complete the checkout process, taking advantage of the limited offer. The entire process will take just a minute!

Set up your account

The transfer and setup process takes just a minute! Choose to create a new or transfer your 000webhost account.

Experience power

Take advantage of the latest web hosting technologies, put power into your project and reap the benefits.

Ready to grab the limited offer?

From early to eterprise, we've got you covered. Start with 14 days free. Annual payment earns you two months free!


The perfect starting point for growing an online presence.

35 $ Per month
  • Starts with 1 site
  • 3 environments/site
  • 25K visits/month
  • 50GB baandwidth
  • CDN & SSL included
  • Migrations free
  • Page Performance free
  • Powerful tools available

Risk-free for 60 days.

Get 2 months free with
annual prepay.

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For business-grade websites that work on every device.

150 $ Per month
  • Starts with 1 site
  • 3 environments/site
  • 25K visits/month
  • 50GB baandwidth
  • CDN & SSL included
  • Migrations free
  • Page Performance free
  • Powerful tools available

Risk-free for 60 days.

Get 2 months free with
annual prepay.

Order Now


More power for complex sites and heavy traffic.

299 $ Per month
  • Starts with 1 site
  • 3 environments/site
  • 25K visits/month
  • 50GB baandwidth
  • CDN & SSL included
  • Migrations free
  • Page Performance free
  • Powerful tools available

Risk-free for 60 days.

Get 2 months free with
annual prepay.

Order Now

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